Jebel Khalid Field Books (1984-2010)
These are the diaries in which trench supervisors recorded the progress of the excavations.
The objects found in each year are recorded in the Inventory Books. There is also a listing of trench supervisors by area and year.
1984 || 1986 || 1987 || 1988 || 1989 || 1990 || 1991 || 1993 || 1995 || 1996 || 2000 || 2001 || 2002 || 2005 || 2006 || 2008 || 2010
1984_survey_GWC.pdf 1987
1993_Acropolis_GWC_BAT.pdf 1993_Acropolis_JC_E.pdf 1993_Acropolis_LS_EC.pdf 1993_Acropolis_LS.pdf 1993_DQ_CH.pdf 1993_DQ_MR.pdf 1993_S_HJ_book1.pdf 1993_S_PJC_book1.pdf 1993_S_PJC_book2.pdf 1995
1996_Acropolis_BA.pdf 1996_Acropolis_EC.pdf 1996_Acropolis_GE_JT.pdf 1996_Acropolis_GWC.pdf 1996_DQ_HJ_book1.pdf 1996_DQ_HJ_book2.pdf 1996_DQ_HJ_book3.pdf 1996_DQ_LL.pdf 1996_DQ_MR.pdf 1996_DQ_TN.pdf 2000
2002_AreaB_BC_VC.pdf 2002_AreaB_EC.pdf 2002_AreaB_GWC.pdf 2002_AreaB_JT.pdf 2002_DQ_HA.pdf 2002_DQ_HJ.pdf 2002_DQ_JB.pdf 2002_DQ_JL.pdf 2002_DQ_LC.pdf 2002_DQ_MK.pdf 2002_DQ_NW.pdf 2005
Areas of the site
Survey, Tombs and Sondages (1984, 1986, 1987, 1988)About the Survey, Tombs and Sondages.
North-West Tower (1986, 1987)About the North-West Tower
1986 PJC Trench 1. 1987 PJC Trenches 1, 2. 1987 GS Trench 2. 1987 PJC Notes on excavations, structures.
Domestic Quarter / Housing Insula (excavated 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006)About the Housing Insula.
Grid trenches (1987-2002)
Rooms (2005-2006)
Rubbish Mounds north of Insula (excavated 1988)
1988 GS RM I trench 1 1988 DC RM I trench 2, Section T2 1988 GS, DC RM II trench 1
Area AB (excavated 1988-1989)About Area AB.
1988 PJC A3, B1 1988 DC B1 1989 PJC A3, A3-B1 1989 HJ A3, A3/B1 baulk, A6, B1
Main gate (excavated 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991)About the Main Gate.
1988 AC MG 1, MG 2, MG 4, NMG 1, NMG 3 1988 MG MG 3, MG 6, SMG 1 1989 AC MG 2, MG 6, EMG 1, 1989 AC MG 1, MG 2, MG 4, MG 6, MG 7, MG 9, EMG 1 1989 JCT MG 4, MG 7, MG 9 1989 JCT MG 2, MG 4, MG 6, MG 7, MG 9, EMG 1, NMG 3 1989 PJC MG 1 section, MG 2 notes, MG 6 notes, EMG 1 notes 1989 PJC Levels, plans 1990 PJC Drain, EMG 5, NMG 2, NMG 3, North Tower, SMG 1 1990 PJC EMG 1, EMG 3, EMG 4, EMG 5, NMG 1 1990 PJC EMG 5, NMG 2, NMG 3, North Tower, SMG 1 1990 PJC EMG 5, SMG 2 1991 PJC MGN 91/1-4, MGS 91/5 1991 PJC MGS 91/5, MGS 91/6, MGS 91/7 1991 BR Summaries of 1989, 1990, 1991 seasons and plan
Acropolis Palace (excavated 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2006)About the Acropolis.
1988 GWC T1, T2, T3, T5 1988 GS T2, T4 1988 GS Pottery T2, T4 1989 NS/GWC/EP T1, T2, T3, T4, T4, T5, T7, T8, Room B, Magnetometry 1989 BR T9, T10 1989 GWC [T1, T3, T5] T6, T8 1989 EC Drawings 1990 EC T19 1990 GWC T13, T15, T21 1990 JL T12, T16, T17 1990 JL T17, T20, Tombs 1990 TH T11, T14, T18 1991 GWC T22, T26, T30, T33, T35 1991 JC T24, T27, T29, T34 1991 TEC T23, T25, T28, T31 1993 GWC/BAT T31/32, T36, T38, T39, T40, T41, T42, T43, T44 1993 JC T37 1993 EC T36, T40, T45 1993 LS T39, T41, T44 1995 BT T43, T48, T54 1995 GE T37, T47, T52 1995 GWC T46, T51, T56, T57 1995 LS T45, T49, T53 1996 BA T60, T63, T64, T66 1996 EC T61 1996 GE T59, T65 1996 GWC T58, T62, T67 2006 RT Acropolis cistern
Area S (Stoa / Commercial area) (excavated 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2006, 2008, 2010)About Area S. In 1995 two trenches (394/4 and 395/7) were excavated to the east of Area S; they may belong to Area Z.
Grid trenches (1989-1995)
Rooms (2006-2010)
2006 HJ 7 2006 HA 1 (332/3), 2, 8, 19 2006 BA 3, 15, 13-15 baulk 2006 LD 4, 11, 17 2006 CS 5, 10, 16 2006 TF 6, 12 2006 HJ 7, 13, 7-13 baulk, 8 2006 NP/CS/LD 7, 9, 14, 18 2006 HJ Trench records 2006 2008 LC 18, 19, 37 2008 HA 20, 32, 32-21 baulk 2008 HJ 21, 25, 26, 27, 31, 35 2008 BA 22, 28, 34 2008 JP 23, 29, 33 2008 LA 24, 30, 38 2008 HJ Summary records 2010 HJ 363/6 – T8 baulks 2010 HJ 39, 53, ex NE 2010 HA 40, 46 2010 HG 41, 48, 5-10 baulk 2010 SF 42, 43, 52, 56 2010 AS 44, 39-44 baulk 2010 BA 5, 364/9-333/7 baulk, 9-5, 2-5 baulks 2010 HJ 2010 Trench Summaries 2010 BR 2010 Drawings
Area B / Temple (excavated 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008)About the Temple.
2000 GWC B1, B4 2000 KG B2, B3 2000 GE/JN B5, B6 2000 GE/JN B7 2001 GWC B7, B15, B16, B18 2001 GF B8, B11, B14, B17 2001 JT B9, B12 2001 SF B10, B13 [Blk B12/B13, B9/B18] 2002 GWC B19, B19 ext., B20 ext. 2002 JT B20. B20 ext. 2002 EC B21, B22 ext., B23 2002 BC/VC B22 2005 GWC B24, B29, B30 2005 KN B25, B33 2005 NW B26, B31 2005 JCT B27, B28 2006 JT B38, B39 [Blks B38/B39, B39/B33] 2006 GWC B39 2006 SF B40, B39 locus 6 2006 MO B41 2008 JT B42 2008 GF B43
Area C / Palaestra (excavated 2000, 2006, 2008)About the Palaestra.
2000 GWC C1 2000 GE/JN C2, C6, C6a 2000 DT/JT C3, C5, C5a, C5b 2000 KG C4 2006 GWC C10 2008 GWC C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14
Area E (excavated 2002)AboutArea E.
2002 HJ 56/2, 57/8 2002 LC 57/1, 57/5 2002 JB 57/2 2002 HA 58/2 2002 JL 58/5 2002 MK 58/8
Area A: Acropolis South (excavated 2006, 2008, 2010)About Area A: Acropolis South.
2006 RT Acropolis SE (A200), NW (A400), NE (A500) gates 2006 JTi T100, T102 2006 JTi T100, T102 2008 JTi T100 2008 JTi T101 2008 MP, WH T102 2010 JTi T104 2010 JTi T105, T106
Area A: Acropolis gates (excavated 2006)
Area A: Acropolis East (excavated 2010)About Area A: Acropolis East.
2010 GF T500, T501 2010 DF, DC T502
The Australian Mission to Jebel Khalid is a joint project of the
Australian National University and the University of Melbourne. -
Areas of the site