Area E
Several trenches opened to the north of the Insula in 2002 revealed a two-storey building separated from the Insula by a street (stenopos) three metres wide. In early reports it was referred to as the Northern Building.
Two entrances were found in the southern perimeter wall of this building. The pottery and other finds suggest a date after 160 BCE, though the area was excavated only to the first floor found.
While the pottery and other finds appear domestic in character, in view of the short distance to the top of the ridge it is unlikely that this building is an insula of the same size as the one excavated to its south.
Major report:
- Heather Jackson, 'The Housing Insula', in G.W. Clarke, A. Fairbairn, H.M. Jackson & L. Mairs, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 171-189 at 175-181.
Plan of the Insula showing Area E trenches north of the street (Areas 80, 88)
A doorway in trench 57/5
Field books
The Australian Mission to Jebel Khalid is a joint project of the
Australian National University and the University of Melbourne.