Survey, tombs and sondages
The Jebel Khalid site was first surveyed in late January and February 1984, commencing with the area south of the deep ravine, which included a robbed-out building complex and a series of galleries with rock-cut rooms (tombs?) within them. Robbed chamber tombs on the eastern slope were explored, and a tomb near Joussef Pasha. Survey of the Jebel was continued in 1986.
In 1986 the circuit wall was mapped.
In 1986-1987 five sondages were carried out, three in the Central Area (alpha, beta, gamma) at the site of Area B (the Temple) and the Roman camp, and two (delta, epsilon) in the broader Domestic Quarter (sondage delta became the SE corner of the Housing Insula).
- P.J. Connor, 'A fortified Macedonian military settlement at Jebel Khalid in North Syria: excavations 1986-87', in A. M. Tamis, ed., Macedonian Hellenism (Melbourne, 1990) 11-26 at 19-26. Connor1990.pdf
- P.J. Connor & G.W. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid in North Syria: the first campaigns', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 151-183 at 178-183.>
Walls and towers
Tombs on the Jebel
Field books
The Australian Mission to Jebel Khalid is a joint project of the
Australian National University and the University of Melbourne.