Major Reports
Details of Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates volumes are at Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O’Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002).
Reviews by Oliver D. Hoover, Stefan Hauser, Andrea M. Berlin, P.-L. Gatier.H. Jackson, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Two: The Terracotta Figurines. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 6 (Sydney, 2006).
Review by Lucilla Burn.H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011).
Reviews by Andrea M. Berlin, Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom Grossolt, Peter J. Stone, J.A. Baird, John Lund.H. Jackson, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Four: The Housing Insula. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 9 (Sydney, 2014). Accompanying DVD
Reviews by Bradley Ault, John Lund, Richard Tomlinson, Mantha Zarmakoupi.G. Clarke, H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon, J. Tidmarsh, K. Wesselingh & L. Cougle/Jose, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016).
Review by Michael Blömer.K. Wesselingh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Six: A Zooarchaeological Analysis. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 11 (Sydney, 2018). Review by Emmanuelle Vila.
M. Mazis, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Seven: The Metals. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement (Sydney, 2023).
M. Mottram, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Eight: The Regional Survey (Sydney, forthcoming).
Season Reports
P.J. Connor, 'A fortified Macedonian military settlement at Jebel Khalid in North Syria: excavations 1986-87', in A. M. Tamis, ed., Macedonian Hellenism (Melbourne, 1990) 11-26. Connor1990.pdf
P.J. Connor & G.W. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid in North Syria: the first campaigns', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 151-183, pl. 30.2-34.5.
P.J. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid: a Hellenistic settlement in North Syria', in A. G. Sagona and J. K. Zimmer, eds, Images of the Ancient World : Archaeology at the University of Melbourne (Melbourne, 1988) 107-110. Connor1988.pdf
G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season. Acropolis building, domestic quarter, insula, commercial building/stoa complex', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 119-124.
G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1995 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 243-249.
G. Clarke, P. Connor & J. Littleton, 'Jebel Khalid 1995', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-53.
G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O’Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002).
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1997', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 251-253.
G. Clarke, P. Connor, L. Crewe, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon & B. Rowney, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 156-171.
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, M. McConchie, L. Mairs & J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: excavations in 2000 and on-site study 2000', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 123-149.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2001 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 15 (2002) 116-126.
G.W. Clarke, A. Fairbairn, H.M. Jackson & L. Mairs, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 171-189.
G. Clarke, L. Cougle, H. Jackson, M. McConchie, W. Reade, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh, N. Wright & A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 119-160.
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, T. Nixon, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh & W. Reade, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 59-78, Plates 4-11.
G. Clarke, H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates river: the 2008 excavation season', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 53 (2008) 1-5.
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon & J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2008 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/2010) 207-219.
G. Clarke, A. Dusting, K. Grant, H. Jackson, L. Jose, M. McConchie, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O’Hea, W. Reade, J. Tidmarsh & K. Wesselingh, 'Jebel Khalid fieldwork report 2009–10', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 131-181, pls. 13-20.
K. Bradley, 'Jebel Khalid archaeobotanical report 2010', Bradley2010.pdf
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, J. Tidmarsh & C.E.V. Nixon, 'Jebel Khalid 2010 excavation season', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 6 (2012) 213-230.
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon, J. Tidmarsh, K. Wesselingh & L. Cougle/Jose, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016).
E.B. Joyce, 'Landscape, landforms and geomorphic history of a semi-arid area along the Euphrates river in northern Syria', in R. W. Le Maitre, ed., Pathways in Geology. Essays in honour of Edwin Sherbon Hills (Melbourne, 1989) 123-139. Joyce1989.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Tell Jebel Khalid', in G. del Olmo Lete and J. L. Montero Fenellós, eds., Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates. The Tishrin Dam area : proceedings of the international symposium held at Barcelona, January 28th-30th, 1998 (Barcelona, 1999) 227-236. Clarke1999a.pdf
G. Clarke, 'The Upper Euphrates Valley during the Hellenistic-Roman period', in G. del Olmo Lete and J. L. Montero Fenellós, eds., Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates. The Tishrin Dam area : proceedings of the international symposium held at Barcelona, January 28th-30th, 1998 (Barcelona, 1999) 637-642. Clarke1999b.pdf
'A fortress city uncovered', UWA News 4 December 2002 21.17 (2002) 6-7.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin 42 (2002) 1-4. neaf_bulletin_42_april_2002.pdf
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: an overview', Les annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 45-46 (2002-2003) 189-206. ClarkeJackson2003.pdf
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, north Syria', in T. Murray, ed., Archaeology from Australia (Melbourne, 2004) 342-360.
G.M. Cohen, 'Jebel Khalid', in The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa (Berkeley, 2006) 178-180.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: a Seleucid garrison on the Euphrates', The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 50 (2006) 4-5. TidmarshNEAF50_2006_4-5.pdf
W. Reade, 'An inside job: living and working in the house at Jebel Khalid', The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin, University of Sydney 50 (2006) 7. ReadeNEAF50_2006_7.pdf
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid twenty years on', Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 37.1 (2007) 94-115. ClarkeJackson2007.pdf
G.B. Allardice, The foundation of Jebel Khalid: when and why? BA(Hons) Thesis, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, 2008. Allardice2008.pdf
A. Jamieson & Y. Kanjou, 'Archaeological Research by the University of Melbourne in the Middle and Upper Euphrates Valley, North Syria', The Artefact 32 (2009) 15-26.
D. Fitzpatrick, 'A Collections Management Plan for Near Eastern Artefacts: Preservation and Significance', Museums Australia National Conference 2010 Conference Papers (Canberra, 2011)
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Can the mute stones speak? Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', Humanities Australia 2 (2011) 16-30.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Uncovering Alexander’s “lost” cities', The Asian Arts Association of Australia Review 22 (2013) 4-6.
M. Mottram, 'Emerging evidence for the pre-Hellenistic occupation of Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 26 (2013) 43-65.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', in P. Leriche, ed., Art et Civilisations de l’Orient Hellénisé. Rencontres et échanges culturels, d'Alexandre aux Sassanides. Hommage à Daniel Schlumberger (Paris, 2014) 97-110.
G. Clarke, 'Brief overview', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 439-445.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid (Aleppo)', in Y. Kanjou and A. Tsuneki, eds, A history of Syria in one hundred sites (Oxford, 2016) 335-338.{E656951E-527C-4A52-8B6D-09660D88E11F}
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', in S.N.C. Lieu and P. McCechnie, eds, Aspects of the Roman East. Volume 2: Papers in Honour of Professor Sir Fergus Millar FBA. Studia Antiqua Australiensia 7 (Turnhout, 2016) 79-128.
S.A. Ion, Identity and Material Culture in Seleucid Jebel Khalid. MA Thesis, Classics, University of Cincinnati, 2016.
R. Burns, 'From Antioch to the Euphrates — the choice of routes to the east in the Roman period', in E. Minchin and H. Jackson, eds, Text and the Material World. Essays in honour of Graeme Clarke. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB 185 (Uppsala, 2017) 157-170.
A. Jamieson, 'Syria: Ancient History - Modern Conflict' (March 2017)
G. Clarke, H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon & J. Tidmarsh, 'The trading links of a Seleucid settlement: Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', in R. Oetjen, ed., New Perspectives in Seleucid History, Archaeology and Numismatics. Studies in Honor of Getzel M. Cohen. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 355 (Berlin, 2020) 264-283
G.W. Clarke, 'The Hellenistic Forts on the Euphrates in Syria and Jebel Khalid', in R. Raja, ed., The Oxford Handbook on Greek and Roman Syria. (Forthcoming)
Areas of the site
Sondages || Walls, towers, gates || Acropolis Palace || Area A: Acropolis South || Area A: Acropolis East || Housing Insula (Domestic Quarter) || Area B: Temple || Area C: Palaestra || Area S (Commercial area) || Area Z || Area X || Cemetery || Roman camp || Environs
Acropolis Palace
About the Acropolis PalaceP.J. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid: a Hellenistic settlement in North Syria. The Acropolis', in A. G. Sagona and J. K. Zimmer, eds, Images of the Ancient World : Archaeology at the University of Melbourne (Melbourne, 1988) 107-110 at 110. Connor1988.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: the Acropolis Building', Mediterranean Archaeology 7 (1994) 69-75, pls. 1-3.
G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season: Acropolis Building', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 119-121.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1995: 1 - The Acropolis', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-50.
G. Clarke & B. Rowney, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 3. The Acropolis palace', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 157-159.
G. Clarke, 'The Governor’s Palace, Acropolis, Jebel Khalid', in I. Nielsen, ed., The Royal Palace Institution in the First Millennium BC : Regional Development and Cultural Interchange between East and West. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 4 (Aarhus, 2001) 215-247.,-the/
G. Clarke, 'The Governor's Palace, Acropolis', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 25-48.
G. Clarke, Excavating and Interpreting the Governor’s Palace, Acropolis, Jebel Khalid. Australian Academy of the Humanities 2001 Trendall Lecture. (Canberra, 2003). ClarkeTrendall2003.pdf
R. Thornley, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. The cistern', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 72-73.
G. Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid marbles', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 115-118.
H. Jackson, 'Stucco fragments from the Acropolis Palace', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume 5: Report on excavation 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 259-268.
G. Clarke, 'Acropolis Palace at Jebel Khalid', in Gardens of the Roman Empire (Accessed 29 March 2021)
S. Twaissi, 'The source of inspiration of the plan of the Nabataean mansion at az-Zantur IV in Petra: A space syntax approach', Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 17.3 (2017) 97-119.
Area A: Acropolis South
About Area A: Acropolis SouthJ. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. Area A', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 70-72.
R. Thornley, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. South-East gate', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 73-75.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates river. The Acropolis', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin 53 (2008) 3-5. TidmarshNEAF53_2008_3-5.pdf
J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2008 season. Area A (the Acropolis)', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/2010) 215-218.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Southern Acropolis', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 170-174.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid Area A (the Acropolis)', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 6 (2012) 213-220.
J. Tidmarsh, 'The Jebel Khalid Acropolis', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 1-7.
Area A: Acropolis East
About Area A: Acropolis EastJ. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid Area A (the Acropolis)', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 6 (2012) 213-220.
J. Tidmarsh, 'The Jebel Khalid Acropolis', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 1-7.
Housing Insula (Domestic Quarter)
About the Housing InsulaP.J. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid: a Hellenistic settlement in North Syria. The Domestic Quarter', in A. G. Sagona and J. K. Zimmer, eds, Images of the Ancient World : Archaeology at the University of Melbourne (Melbourne, 1988) 107-110 at 109-110. Connor1988.pdf
P.J. Connor, 'A fortified Macedonian military settlement at Jebel Khalid in North Syria: excavations 1986-87', in A. M. Tamis, ed., Macedonian Hellenism (Melbourne, 1990) 11-26 at 19-26. Connor1990.pdf
G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season: Domestic Quarter', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 121-122.
P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid 1995: 2 - The Domestic Quarter', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 50-51.
H. Jackson, G. Bailey, E. Clayton & E. Stelcer. 'Analysis of clays from a Hellenistic housing Insula in North Syria', in 11th Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis, 24-26 November 1999, (Lucas Heights, 1999) 21-22.
P. Connor & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 7. The Housing Insula', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 162-165.
H. Jackson, 'Domestic quarter', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 127-130.
H. Jackson, 'Where’s the bathroom? Problems of identifying rooms in a Hellenistic housing insula', in L. Hopkins and A. Parker, eds, Archaeology of the Near East : An Australian Perspective (Sydney, 2001) 90-99.
H. Jackson, A Hellenistic housing insula in North Syria. PhD Thesis, School of Fine Arts, Classics and Archaeology, University of Melbourne, 2001.
H. Jackson, 'The lamps from the Domestic Quarter', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 147-200.
H. Jackson, 'The Housing Insula', Mediterranean Archaeology 15 (2002) 121-126.
H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season. A. The Housing Insula', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 175-181.
R. Thornley, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. The cistern in Area 101 of the Housing Insula', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 126-128.
H. Jackson, 'Appendix 1: Local jar seal', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 186-189.
H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. The Housing Insula', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 68-69.
H. Jackson, 'Erotes on the Euphrates: a figured frieze in a private house at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', American Journal of Archaeology 113 (2009) 231-253.
H. Jackson, 'The Housing Insula at Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 54 (2010) 11-12. JacksonNEAF54_2010_11-12.pdf
Heather Jackson, 'The Common Wares from the Housing Insula', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 1-261.
Heather Jackson, 'Life in the Housing Insula: the evidence of the pottery', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 497-518.
H. Jackson, 'A late Seleucid housing insula at Jebel Khalid in north Syria: archaeological evidence for chronology and lifestyle', in K. Erickson and G. Ramsey, eds, Seleucid Dissolution: The Sinking of the Anchor (Wiesbaden, 2011) 133-148.
H. Jackson, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Four: The Housing Insula. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 9>
H. Jackson, 'The Housing Insula at Seleukid Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', in A. A. Di Castro, C. A. Hope and B. E. Parr, eds, Housing and Habitat in the Ancient Mediterranean: Cultural and Environmental Responses. Babesch Supplements 26 (Leuven, 2015) 151-160.
Area B: Temple
About the TempleG. Clarke, 'Central Area: Area B', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 123-126.
G. Clarke, 'Temple complex', Mediterranean Archaeology 15 (2002) 116-121. http://
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season. Area B', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 171-175.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Area B: the Jebel Khalid temple', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 128-132, 134-135.
N. Wright, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Area B: the Jebel Khalid temple. Trenches B26 and B31', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 133-134.
G. Clarke, 'Syria: the Jebel Khalid Temple', The Past Uncovered: The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Magazine (Sydney, 2006) 8-11. Clarke2006.pdf
G. Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid Temple', Mediterranean Archaeology 19/20 (2006/2007) 133-139.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. Area B: the Temple', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 59-64.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2008 season. Area B (the Temple precinct); Area C (palaestra?)', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/2010) 207-211.
N. Wright, 'The last days of a Seleucid city: Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates and its Temple', in K. Erickson and G. Ramsey, eds, Seleucid Dissolution: The Sinking of the Anchor (Wiesbaden, 2011) 117-132.
N.L. Wright, Divine Kings and Sacred Spaces: Power and Religion in Hellenistic Syria (301–64 BC). BAR International Series 2450 (Oxford, 2012).
G. Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid Temple: continuity and change', in M. Blömer, A. Lichtenberger and R. Raja, eds, Religious Identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed: Continuity and Change. Contextualizing the Sacred 4 (Turnhout, 2015) 142-155.
N. Thomson, Religious structures in the Seleukid Empire: an inter-regional case study. MA Thesis, History and Classics, University of Alberta, 2015
G. Clarke, 'Area B. The Jebel Khalid temple', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 9-36.
H. Jackson & G. Clarke, 'The sculpture from the Jebel Khalid temple', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 77-95.
Area C: Palaestra
About the PalaestraG. Clarke, 'Central Area: Area C', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 123.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. Area C: Stoa (?)', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 64-65.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates river. Area C (?Palaestra)', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 53 (2008) 1-3. ClarkeNEAF53_2008_1-3.pdf
G. Clarke, 'The significance of the palaestra at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates in North Syria', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 56 (2013) 11-13. ClarkeNEAF56_2013_11-13.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid Area C: the Palaestra', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 7 (2015) 89-97.
G. Clarke, 'Area C. The palaestra', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 37-47.
Location of sondagesP.J. Connor, 'A fortified Macedonian military settlement at Jebel Khalid in North Syria: excavations 1986-87', in A. M. Tamis, ed., Macedonian Hellenism (Melbourne, 1990) 11-26 at 19-26. Connor1990.pdf
P.J. Connor & G.W. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid in North Syria: the first campaigns', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 151-183 at 178-183.
Walls, towers, gates
Map of walls, towers, gatesP.J. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid: a Hellenistic settlement in North Syria', in A.G. Sagona and J.K. Zimmer, eds, Images of the Ancient World : Archaeology at the University of Melbourne (Melbourne, 1988) 107-110. Connor1988.pdf
P.J. Connor, 'A fortified Macedonian military settlement at Jebel Khalid in North Syria: excavations 1986-87', in A. M. Tamis, ed., Macedonian Hellenism (Melbourne, 1990) 11-26 at 11-18. Connor1990.pdf
P.J. Connor & G.W. Clarke, 'The fortifications: description and commentary', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 156-178, pl. 30.2-34.5.
G. Clarke & B. Rowney, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 1. The North-West tower', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 156-157.
G. Clarke & B. Rowney, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 2. Main Gates', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 157.
G. Clarke, 'The main gate', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 17-24.
P. Connor & G. Clarke, 'The North-West tower', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 1-16.
R. Thornley, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. South-East gate', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 73-75.
Area S (Commercial area)
About Area SG. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season: Commercial buildings/Stoa complex', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 122-124.
H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. Area S: commercial area', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 65-68.
H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates river. Area S', near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 53 (2008) 5. JacksonNEAF53_2008_5.pdf
H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2008 season. Area S', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/2010) 211-215.
H. Jackson, 'Area S', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 174-177.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid Area S: the 2010 campaign season', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 6 (2012) 221-226.
H. Jackson, 'Area S. The commercial area', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 49-76.
H. Jackson, 'A colonnaded building in a commercial area at Seleucid Jebel Khalid', in J. Abdul Massih, S. Nishiyama, H. Charaf and A. Deb, eds, Archaeological Explorations in Syria 2000-2011. Proceedings of ISCACH-Beirut 2015 (Oxford, 2018) 39-48. JacksonISCACHBeirut2015.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Syriac inscriptions from the Middle Euphrates', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 73-82, pls. 5-8. Clarke84SyriacInscriptions.pdf
T. Muraoka, 'Two Syriac inscriptions from the Middle Euphrates', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 83-89, pls. 9-10. Muraoka84TwoSyriac.pdf
J. Littleton, 'Jebel Khalid 1995: 3 - The Cemetery of Jebel Khalid', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1988) 51-53.
J. Littleton, B. Frohlich & G. Clarke, 'Preliminary excavation of the Jebel Khalid necropolis', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 187-205, pl. 35.
J. Littleton, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 5. The western necropolis', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 159-161.
J. Littleton & B. Frohlich, 'Excavations of the Cemetery - 1996 and 1997', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 49-69.
H. Jackson & J. Littleton, 'Inventory of graves excavated in 1996 and 1997', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on excavations 1986-1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 71-100
H. Jackson, 'The Cemetery pottery - 1996 and 1997', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 101-124.
Area X
About Area XK. Grant & A. Dusting, 'Area X', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 177-179 & Pl. 20.
Roman camp
H. Jackson, 'Romans at Jebel Khalid? Where and when?', in E. Minchin and H. Jackson, eds, Text and the Material World. Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB 185 (Uppsala, 2017) 143-155.
G. Clarke, 'A decorated Christian tomb-chamber near Joussef Pasha', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 90-95, pls. 11-12. Clarke84DecoratedChristian.pdf
G. Clarke, 'A funeral stele in the district of Membij: a preliminary report', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 96-101, pls. 13-15. Clarke84FuneralStele.pdf
G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Inscriptions, symbols and graffiti near Joussef Pasha', Abr-Nahrain 25 (1987) 19-39, pls. 1-10. ClarkeConnor87Inscriptions.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Funerary Inscriptions near Joussef Pasha, North Syria', Abr Nahrain 26 (1988) 19-29. Clarke88FuneraryInscriptions.pdf
E.C.D. Hunter, 'An inscribed reliquary from the Middle Euphrates', Oriens Christianus 75 (1991) 147-165. Hunter1991.pdf
G. Clarke & T.W. Hillard, 'A limestone altar from north Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 111-115, pls. 38-39.
E.C.D. Hunter, 'The cult of saints in Syria during the fifth century AD', Studia Patristica 25 (1993) 308-312.
G. Clarke, 'Cultural interaction in the Near East: The evidence of personal names', in G. Bunnens, ed., Cultural interaction in the Ancient Near East: papers read at a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, Department of Classics and Archaeology (29-30 September 1994). Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series 5 (1996) 129-143. Clarke1996a.pdf
G. Clarke, Β. Frohlich, Η. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15.
G. Clarke, 'The Upper Euphrates Valley during the Hellenistic-Roman period', in G. del Olmo Lete and J. L. Montero Fenellós, eds, Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates. The Tishrin Dam area : proceedings of the international symposium held at Barcelona, January 28th-30th, 1998 (Barcelona, 1999) 637-642.
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M. Mottram, 'Emerging evidence for the pre-Hellenistic occupation of Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 26 (2013) 43-65.
Area Z
About Area ZHeather Jackson, 'Area S. The Commercial Area', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010 (Sydney, 2016) 69-71. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10
Found objects
Adornment || Coins || Fauna || Figurines || Flora || Glass || Graffiti & dipinti || Inscriptions || Lamps || Metals || Pottery || Sculpture || Seals || Spindle-whorls and loomweights || Stamped amphora handles || Stucco || Worked bone || Worked stone
M. O'Hea, 'The glass and personal adornment', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 245-272.
C.E.V. Nixon, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 4. The coinage', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 159.
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L.D. Mairs, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season. Preliminary archaeozoology report', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 124-127.
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D. Steele, 'Faunal remains', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 125-146.
L. Mairs, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season. Archaeozoology', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 182-189.
K. Wesselingh, 'Archaeozoology', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 163-170.
K. Wesselingh, 'Faunal remains 2006-2010', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 269-297.
K.M. Wesselingh, Jebel Khalid, Syria in the Hellenistic Period: A Zooarchaeological Analysis. PhD Thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney, 2016
K. Wesselingh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Six: A Zooarchaeological Analysis. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 11 (Sydney, 2018).
K. Wesselingh, "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are", Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 60 (2019) 17-18. WesselinghNEAF60_2019_2-3.pdf
P.J. Connor, 'Terracottas from Seleucid Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 7 (1994) 77-81, pls. 3-7.
H. Jackson, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Two: The Terracotta Figurines. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 6 (Sydney, 2006).
D. Garnett, H. Jackson, H. Waldron & E. Clayton, 'Appendix: chemical analysis of the figurine clays of Jebel Khalid', in H. Jackson, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Two: The Terracotta Figurines. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 6 (Sydney, 2006) 245-255. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 6
H. Jackson, 'Domestic cult or culture? Figurine fragments from a Hellenistic housing insula in Syria (Colloques, Lille, décembre 2011, et Philadelphie, janvier 2012)', in S. Huysecom-Haxhi and A. Muller, eds, Figurines grecques en contexte. Présence muette dans le sanctuaire, la tombe et la maison (Lille, 2015) 385-400.
H. Jackson, 'Figurine fragments', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 145-206.
H. Jackson, 'An Egyptian at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid? A rare faience amulet', in A. Batmaz, G. Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz and A. Robinson, eds, Context and Connection. Studies on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 268 (Leuven, 2018) 651-659.
H. Jackson, 'The case of the Persian riders at Seleucid Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: The survival of Syrian tradition in a Greek settlement', in G. Papantoniou, D. Michaelides and M. Dikomitou-Eliadou, eds, Hellenistic and Roman Terracottas (Leiden, 2019) 383-394.
A. Fairbairn, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season. Archaeobotany', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 182-183.
A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Archaeobotanical and environmental studies', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 158-160.
A. Fairbairn & E. Asouti, 'Appendix 2: Evidence for olive wood and deforestation at Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 190-191.
K. Bradley, 'Jebel Khalid archaeobotanical report 2010'. Bradley2010.pdf
M. O'Hea, 'Glass and personal adornment', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 245-272.
M. O'Hea, 'Late Hellenistic glass from some military and civilian sites in the Levant: Jebel Khalid, Pella and Jerusalem', in M.-D. Nenna, ed., Annales Du 16e Congrès de L'Association Internationale Pour L'Histoire Du Verre, London, 2003 (Nottingham, 2005) 44-48.
M. O'Hea, 'Greeks and glass: the role of Hellenistic Greek settlements in the eastern Mediterranean in glass production and consumption', Mediterranean Archaeology 19/20 (2006/2007) 141-150.
M. O'Hea, 'The glass', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 152-163.
W.J. Reade & K.L. Privat, 'Chemical characterisation of archaeological glasses from the Hellenistic site of Jebel Khalid, Syria by electron probe microanalysis', Heritage Science 4 (2016) 1-17.
W.J. Reade & K.L. Privat, 'Glass Vessels from Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Syria: An Indicator of Greek Influence in the East? Questions of Production', in R. B. Salisbury, F. Höflmayer and T. Bürge, eds, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 25-29 April 2016, Vienna vol. 2 (Wiesbaden, 2018) 405-417. Reade–Privat2018.pdf
Graffiti & dipinti
G. Clarke, 'Greek graffiti from North Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 117-120, pls. 39-40.
G. Clarke, 'A Greek graffito from Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 185-186, pl. 35.1.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Graffiti and dipinti', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 205-216.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: graffiti and dipinti 2000-2005', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 193-198, Pls. 23 & 24.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: Graffiti and dipinti 2008-2009', Mediterranean Archaeology 28/29 (2015/2016) 147-150, Pl. 27.
G. Clarke, 'Syriac inscriptions from the Middle Euphrates', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 73-82, pls. 5-8. Clarke84SyriacInscriptions.pdf
T. Muraoka, 'Two Syriac inscriptions from the Middle Euphrates', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 83-89, pls. 9-10. Muraoka84TwoSyriac.pdf
G. Clarke, 'Cultural interaction in the Near East: The evidence of personal names', in G. Bunnens, ed., Cultural interaction in the Ancient Near East: papers read at a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, Department of Classics and Archaeology (29-30 September 1994). Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series 5 1996) 129-143; 14 figures. Clarke1996aInscriptions.pdf
E.C.D. Hunter, 'Syriac inscriptions from a Melkite monastery on the Middle Euphrates', Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 52 (1989) 1-17, pls. 1-4.
H. Jackson, 'Terracotta lamps of a Hellenistic housing insula at Jebel Khalid, North Syria', Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36 (2000) 11-17. Jackson2000a.pdf
H. Jackson, 'The lamps from the Domestic Quarter', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 147-199.
H. Jackson, 'The Jebel Khalid lamps 1987-2010', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 299-437.
M. McConchie, 'Metal finds: preliminary report', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 131-133.
M. McConchie, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Metal finds', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 135-141.
W. Reade, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Bronze', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 141-144.
W. Reade, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season. The bronzes', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 76-78.
M. McConchie, 'Metal finds', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 131-140.
W. Reade, 'The bronzes', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 140-142.
N. Sekunda, 'Cretan arrowheads struck with a BE monogram', in E. Minchin and H. Jackson, eds, Text and the Material World. Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB 185 (Uppsala, 2017) 81-90.
M. Mazis & N. Wright, 'Archers, Antiochos VII Sidetes, and the BE Arrowheads', Bulletin of the American Schools for Oriental Research 380 (2018) 205-229. MazisWright2018.pdf
M. Mazis & M. Klein, 'Fold, Twist, and Draw – Techniques of Copper Alloy Wire Production from Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', Acta Archaeologica 92.2 (2023) 98-120.
M. Mazis, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Seven: The Metals. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement (Sydney, Forthcoming).
H. Jackson, '1997 and 1999 study seasons: the local pottery of the Domestic Quarter', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 165-171.
J. Tidmarsh, 'The Fine Wares', Mediterranean Archaeology 13 (2000) 146-149.
H. Jackson, 'The Cemetery pottery - 1996 and 1997', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 101-124.
I.E. Kieft, D.N. Jamieson, B. Rout, R. Szymanski & A.S. Jamieson, 'PIXE cluster analysis of ancient ceramics from North Syria', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 190 (2002) 492-496.
J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Pottery: the imported wares', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 146-157.
D. Garnett & H. Jackson, 'Finding the clay fingerprint. Geochemical characteristics of Jebel Khalid pottery clays', in H. Jackson and J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 263-278.
D. Garnett, H. Jackson & H. Waldron, 'Appendix II. Geochemical characteristics of imported Hellenistic pottery from Jebel Khalid, Antioch and Pella', in H. Jackson and J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 527-542.
D. Garnett, H. Jackson & H. Waldron, 'Appendix I. A comparison of the geochemical signatures of common ware samples from Jebel Khalid and Antioch', in H. Jackson and J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 519-525.
D. Garnett, H. Jackson & H. Waldron, 'Appendix III. The geochemistry of green-glazed ware found at Jebel Khalid', in H. Jackson and J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 545-554.
Heather Jackson, 'The Common Wares from the Housing Insula', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 1-261.
Heather Jackson, 'The green-glazed wares from Jebel Khalid, 1896-2006', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 430-495.
Heather Jackson, 'Life in the Housing Insula: the evidence of the pottery', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 497-518.
John Tidmarsh, 'The imported fine wares at Jebel Khalid,', in H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume Three: The Pottery. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 7 (Sydney, 2011) 279-429.
Maximilian S. Pschoor, The role of Hellenistic Tell Es-Sweyhat: cultural variation between the core and fringe within the Seleucid upper Euphrates. Honours Thesis, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2012.
H. Jackson, 'Green-glazed wares at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid: imitation, innovation or Hellenization?', in S. Japp and P. Kögler, eds., Traditions and Innovations: Tracking the Development of Pottery from the Late Classical to the Early Imperial Periods. (Vienna, 2016) 441-451.
H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, 'Pottery imports to Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', in N. Fenn and C. Römer-Strehl, eds, Networks in the Hellenistic World According to the Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond. BAR International Series 2539 (Oxford, 2013) 329-338.
J. Tidmarsh, 'The fine wares', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 213-258.
H. Jackson, 'An Egyptian at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid? A rare faience amulet', in A. Batmaz, G. Bedianashvili, A. Michalewicz and A. Robinson, eds, Context and Connection. Studies on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 268 (Leuven, 2018) 651-659.
G. Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid marbles', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 115-118.
H. Jackson & G. Clarke, 'The sculpture from the Jebel Khalid temple', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 77-95.
G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Djebel Khalid', in Mustafa Koçak and Detlev Kreikenbom, eds, Sculptures from Roman Syria II: The Marble Statuary (De Gruyter, 2021).
G. Clarke, 'Four Hellenistic seal impressions', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 201-204.
H. Jackson, 'Two engraved gems from Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', Antike Kunst 47 (2004) 34-46.
H. Jackson, 'Appendix 1: Local jar seal', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 186-189.
Spindle-whorls and loomweights
L. Crewe, 'Spindle-whorls and loomweights', Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999) 161-162.
L. Crewe, 'Spindle-whorls and loomweights', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 217-243.
Stamped amphora handles
G. Clarke, 'Stamped amphora handles', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 273-289.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: stamped amphora handles 2000–2005', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 175-191.
G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: stamped amphora handles 2006-2008', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 105-114.
G. Clarke, 'Stamped amphora handles 2008-2010', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 131-144.
H. Jackson, 'Erotes on the Euphrates: a figured frieze in a private house at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', American Journal of Archaeology 113 (2009) 231-253.
H. Jackson, 'Catalogue of Significant Stucco Fragments from a Private House at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', American Journal of Archaeology Online Publications, April 2009.
H. Jackson, 'Stucco fragments from the Acropolis Palace', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume 5: Report on excavation 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 259-268.
Worked bone
L. Cougle, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Worked bone and ivory', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 144-147.
L. Jose-Cougle, 'Worked bone', Mediterranean Archaeology 24 (2011) 142-152.
L. Jose-Cougle, 'A bone or ivory soldier plaque', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 207-211.
Worked stone
M. O'Hea, 'A lion-bowl and other worked-stone objects from Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 26 (2013) 67-80.
Al-Azm || Allardice || Asouti || Bailey || Bradley || Burns || Clarke || Clayton || Cohen || Connor || Crewe || Dusting || Fairbairn || Fitzpatrick || Frohlich || Garnett || Garton || Grant || Hillard || Hunter || Ion || Jackson, H || Jackson, T. || Jamieson, A. || Jamieson, A.S. || Jamieson, D.N. || Jose-Cougle || Joyce || Kanjou || Kieft || Klein || Littleton || Mairs || Mazis (McConchie) || Menere || Mottram || Muraoka || Nixon || O'Hea || Privat || Pschoor || Reade || Rout || Rowney || Sekunda || Steele || Stelcer || Szymanski || Thomson || Thornley || Tidmarsh || Waldron || Twaissi || Wesselingh || Wright
Amr Al-Azm
Al-Azm 2005 A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Archaeobotanical and environmental studies', in G. Clarke, L. Cougle, H. Jackson, M. McConchie, W. Reade, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh, N. Wright & A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 119-160 at 158-160. Bruce Allardice
Allardice 2008 G.B. Allardice, The foundation of Jebel Khalid: when and why? BA(Hons) Thesis, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, 2008. Allardice2008.pdf Eleni Asouti
Fairbairn & Asouti 2005 A. Fairbairn & E. Asouti, 'Appendix 2: Evidence for olive wood and deforestation at Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 190-191. Graeme Bailey
Bailey & Garton 1998 G. Bailey & D. Garton, 'Appendix to Section D: The analysis of Shash Hamdan and Jebel Khalid glazes by PIXE/PIGME techniques', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15 at 129-134. Jackson et al. 1999 H. Jackson, G. Bailey, E. Clayton & E. Stelcer. 'Analysis of clays from a Hellenistic housing Insula in North Syria', in 11th Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis, 24-26 November 1999, (Lucas Heights, 1999) 21-22. Kirsten Bradley
Bradley 2010 K. Bradley, 'Jebel Khalid archaeobotanical report 2010'. Bradley2010.pdf Ross Burns
Burns 2017 R. Burns, 'From Antioch to the Euphrates — the choice of routes to the east in the Roman period', in E. Minchin & H. Jackson, eds, Text and the Material World. Essays in honour of Graeme Clarke. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB 185 (Uppsala, 2017) 157-170. Graeme Clarke
Clarke 1985a G. Clarke, 'Syriac inscriptions from the Middle Euphrates', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 73-82, pls. 5-8. Clarke84SyriacInscriptions.pdf Clarke 1985b G. Clarke, 'A funeral stele in the district of Membij: a preliminary report', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 96-101, pls. 13-15. Clarke84FuneralStele.pdf Clarke 1985c G. Clarke, 'A decorated Christian tomb-chamber near Joussef Pasha', Abr-Nahrain 23 (1984/1985) 90-95, pls. 11-12. Clarke84DecoratedChristian.pdf Clarke & Connor 1987 G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Inscriptions, symbols and graffiti near Joussef Pasha', Abr-Nahrain 25 (1987) 19-39, pls. 1-10. ClarkeConnor87Inscriptions.pdf Clarke 1988 G. Clarke, 'Funerary Inscriptions near Joussef Pasha, North Syria', Abr Nahrain 26 (1988) 19-29. Clarke88FuneraryInscriptions.pdf Clarke & Hillard 1993 G. Clarke & T.W. Hillard, 'A limestone altar from north Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 111-115, pls. 38-39. Clarke 1993 G. Clarke, 'Greek graffiti from North Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 117-120, pls. 39-40. Clarke 1994 G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: the Acropolis Building', Mediterranean Archaeology 7 (1994) 69-75, pls. 1-3. Clarke & Connor 1995 Graeme Clarke & Peter Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 119-124. Clarke 1996 G. Clarke, 'Cultural interaction in the Near East: The evidence of personal names', in G. Bunnens, ed., Cultural interaction in the Ancient Near East: papers read at a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, Department of Classics and Archaeology (29-30 September 1994). Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series 5 (1996) 129-143. Clarke1996a.pdf Clarke 1997a Graeme Clarke, 'Acropolis Building', in G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1995 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 243-249 at 243-246. Clarke 1997b G. Clarke, 'A Greek graffito from Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 185-186, pl. 35.1. Littleton, Frohlich & Clarke 1997 J. Littleton, B. Frohlich & G. Clarke, 'Preliminary excavation of the Jebel Khalid necropolis', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 187-205, pl. 35. Connor & Clarke 1997 P.J. Connor & G.W. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid in North Syria: the first campaigns', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 151-183. Clarke 1998a Graeme Clarke, 'The Acropolis', in G. Clarke, P. Connor & J. Littleton, 'Jebel Khalid 1995', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-53 at 47-50. Clarke 1998b G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1995: 1 - The Acropolis', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-50. Clarke 1998c G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1997', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 251-253. Clarke 1998d G. Clarke, 'Section A: Introduction', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. 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Abbreviations used on this website for Jebel Khalid publications:
Al-Azm 2005 A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Archaeobotanical and environmental studies', in G. Clarke, L. Cougle, H. Jackson, M. McConchie, W. Reade, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh, N. Wright & A. Al-Azm, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2004 and 2005 seasons', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 119-160 at 158-160. Allardice 2008 G.B. Allardice, The foundation of Jebel Khalid: when and why? BA(Hons) Thesis, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, 2008. Allardice2008.pdf Bailey & Garton 1998 G. Bailey & D. Garton, 'Appendix to Section D: The analysis of Shash Hamdan and Jebel Khalid glazes by PIXE/PIGME techniques', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15 at129-134. Bradley 2010 K. Bradley, 'Jebel Khalid archaeobotanical report 2010', Bradley2010.pdf Burns 2017 R. Burns, 'From Antioch to the Euphrates — the choice of routes to the east in the Roman period', in E. Minchin & H. Jackson, eds, Text and the Material World. Essays in honour of Graeme Clarke. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature PB 185 (Uppsala, 2017) 157-170. Clarke & Connor 1987 G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Inscriptions, symbols and graffiti near Joussef Pasha', Abr-Nahrain 25 (1987) 19-39, pls. 1-10. ClarkeConnor87Inscriptions.pdf Clarke & Connor 1995 Graeme Clarke & Peter Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1993 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 8 (1995) 119-124. Clarke & Hillard 1993 G. Clarke & T.W. Hillard, 'A limestone altar from north Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 111-115, pls. 38-39. Clarke & Jackson 1998 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Section F: Discussion', in G. Clarke, 'Section B: Description of Tomb', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15 at 145-158. Clarke & Jackson 2002a G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Graffiti and dipinti', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 205-216. Clarke & Jackson 2002b G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2001 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 15 (2002) 116-126. Clarke & Jackson 2003 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: an overview', Les annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 45-46 (2002-2003) 189-206. ClarkeJackson2003.pdf Clarke & Jackson 2004 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, north Syria', in T. Murray, ed., Archaeology from Australia (Melbourne, 2004) 342-360. Clarke & Jackson 2005 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: graffiti and dipinti 2000-2005', Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005) 193-198, Pls. 23 & 24. Clarke & Jackson 2007 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid twenty years on', Ancient History: Resources for Teachers 37.1 (2007) 94-115. ClarkeJackson2007.pdf Clarke & Jackson 2011 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Can the mute stones speak? Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', Humanities Australia 2 (2011) 16-30. Clarke & Jackson 2012 Graeme Clarke & Heather Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid Area S: the 2010 campaign season', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 6 (2012) 221-226. Clarke & Jackson 2014 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', in P. Leriche, ed., Art et Civilisations de l'Orient HellΟ©nisΟ©. Rencontres et Ο©changes culturels, d'Alexandre aux Sassanides. Hommage Ο† Daniel Schlumberger (Paris, 2014) 97-110. Clarke & Jackson 2016a G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid (Aleppo)', in Y. Kanjou and A. Tsuneki, eds, A history of Syria in one hundred sites (Oxford, 2016) 335-338.{E656951E-527C-4A52-8B6D-09660D88E11F} Clarke & Jackson 2016b G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Evaluating cultural and ethnic identities from archaeological remains: the case of Hellenistic Jebel Khalid', in S.N.C. Lieu and P. McCechnie, eds, Aspects of the Roman East. Volume 2: Papers in Honour of Professor Sir Fergus Millar FBA. Studia Antiqua Australiensia 7 (Turnhout, 2016) 79-128. Clarke & Jackson 2017 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Jebel Khalid: Graffiti and dipinti 2008-2009', Mediterranean Archaeology 28/29 (2015/2016) 147-150, Pl. 27. Clarke & Jackson 2021 G. Clarke & H. Jackson, 'Djebel Khalid', in Mustafa Koçak and Detlev Kreikenbom, eds, Sculptures from Roman Syria II: The Marble Statuary (De Gruyter, 2021). Clarke & Rowney 1999a G. Clarke & B. Rowney, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, 1996-1999. 1. 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Clarke, 'Greek graffiti from North Syria', Mediterranean Archaeology 5/6 (1992/1993) 117-120, pls. 39-40. Clarke 1994 G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: the Acropolis Building', Mediterranean Archaeology 7 (1994) 69-75, pls. 1-3. Clarke 1996 G. Clarke, 'Cultural interaction in the Near East: The evidence of personal names', in G. Bunnens, ed., Cultural interaction in the Ancient Near East: papers read at a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, Department of Classics and Archaeology (29-30 September 1994). Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series 5 (1996) 129-143. Clarke1996a.pdf Clarke 1997a Graeme Clarke, 'Acropolis Building', in G. Clarke & P. Connor, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates: 1995 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 243-249 at 243-246. Clarke 1997b G. Clarke, 'A Greek graffito from Jebel Khalid', Mediterranean Archaeology 9/10 (1996/1997) 185-186, pl. 35.1. Clarke 1998a Graeme Clarke, 'The Acropolis', in G. Clarke, P. Connor & J. Littleton, 'Jebel Khalid 1995', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-53 at 47-50. Clarke 1998b G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1995: 1 - The Acropolis', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 47-50. Clarke 1998c G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid 1997', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 2 (1998) 251-253. Clarke 1998d G. Clarke, 'Section A: Introduction', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15 at 83-85. Clarke 1998e G. Clarke, 'Section B: Description of Tomb', in G. Clarke, B. Frohlich, H. Jackson, J. Littleton, B. Rowney, D. Steele, G. Bailey, D. Garton & T. Jackson, 'Who built Shash Hamdam Tomb 1?', Mediterranean Archaeology 11 (1998) 83-158, plates 4-15 at 86-89. Clarke 1999a G. Clarke, 'Tell Jebel Khalid', in G. del Olmo Lete & J. L. Montero Fenellós, eds., Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates. 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Nielsen, ed., The Royal Palace Institution in the First Millennium BC : Regional Development and Cultural Interchange between East and West. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 4 (Aarhus, 2001) 215-247.,-the/ Clarke 2002a G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin 42 (2002) 1-4. neaf_bulletin_42_april_2002.pdf Clarke 2002b G. Clarke, 'The Governor's Palace, Acropolis', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 25-48. Clarke 2002c G. Clarke, 'Temple complex', Mediterranean Archaeology 15 (2002) 116-121. http:// Clarke 2002d G. Clarke, 'Four Hellenistic seal impressions', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 201-204. Clarke 2002e G. Clarke, 'Stamped amphora handles', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 273-289. Clarke 2002f Graeme Clarke, 'The Main Gate', in G.W. Clarke, P.J. Connor, L. Crewe, B. Frohlich, H.M. Jackson, J. Littleton, C.E.V. Nixon, M. O'Hea & D. Steele, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, Volume One: Report on Excavations 1986–1996. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 5 (Sydney, 2002) 17-23. Clarke 2003a Graeme Clarke, 'Area B', in G.W. Clarke, A. Fairbairn, H.M. Jackson & L. Mairs, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2002 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003) 171-189 at 171-175. Clarke 2003b G. 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Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates river: the 2008 excavation season', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 53 (2008) 1-5 at 1-3. ClarkeNEAF53_2008_1-3.pdf Clarke 2008b Graeme Clarke, 'Area B: The Temple', in G. Clarke, H. Jackson, T. Nixon, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh & W. Reade, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 59-78 at 59-64, Plates 4-11. Clarke 2008c Graeme Clarke, 'Area C: Stoa (?)', in G. Clarke, H. Jackson, T. Nixon, R. Thornley, J. Tidmarsh & W. Reade, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2006 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 59-78 at 64-65, Plates 4-11. Clarke 2008d Graeme Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid: stamped amphora handles 2006-2008', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 105-114. Clarke 2008e Graeme Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid marbles', Mediterranean Archaeology 21 (2008) 115-118. Clarke 2010 Graeme Clarke, 'Area B', in G. Clarke, H. Jackson, C.E.V. Nixon & J. Tidmarsh, 'Jebel Khalid: the 2008 season', Mediterranean Archaeology 22/23 (2009/2010) 207-219 at 207-211. Clarke 2013 G. Clarke, 'The significance of the palaestra at Hellenistic Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates in North Syria', Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation Bulletin, The University of Sydney 56 (2013) 11-13. ClarkeNEAF56_2013_11-13.pdf Clarke 2015a G. Clarke, 'The Jebel Khalid Temple: continuity and change', in M. Blömer, A. Lichtenberger and R. Raja, eds, Religious Identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed: Continuity and Change. Contextualizing the Sacred 4 (Turnhout, 2015) 142-155. Clarke 2015b G. Clarke, 'Jebel Khalid Area C: the Palaestra', Chronique archéologique en Syrie 7 (2015) 89-97. Clarke 2016a Graeme Clarke, 'Area B. The Jebel Khalid temple', in Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates Volume Five: Report on excavations 2000-2010. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 10 (Sydney, 2016) 9-36. Clarke 2016b Graeme Clarke, 'Area C. 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The Australian Mission to Jebel Khalid is a joint project of the
Australian National University and the University of Melbourne.